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Matt Donoghue: Milestone 4

Date Range: 02/6-12/2019 Total Hours Spent: 7 Overview As I alluded to in my previous milestone update, this time of the semester is...

Christa Buttera: Milestone 4

Introduction This week marked the fourth sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, February 6th until...

Braeden Timlin: Milestone 4 - Alpha

This milestone marks our Alpha Build of the Kendo Gakko Application. I spent about 12 hours working on the networking, creating...

Matt Donoghue: Milestone 3

Date Range: 01/30 - 02/05/2019 Total Hours Spent: 8 Overview This past sprint marked the official kickoff of development on the project....

Christa Buttera: Milestone 3

Introduction This week marked the third sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, January 29th until...

Braeden Timlin: Milestone 3

This sprint I focused on getting physics and collision working with Proxy geometry. With this implementation I was able to make geometry...

Design Document

We've created a design document for our project! See it here.

Braeden Timlin: Milestone 2

Hours Spent: 3 This week was a slow week, the majority of my time was spent on the first 3DCG assignment. The work that was done was on...

Christa Buttera: Milestone 2

Introduction This week marked the second sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint was slightly shorter than usual, running from...

Matt Donoghue: Milestone 2

Date Range: 01/25-29/2019 Total Hours Spent: 9 Overview This past week has been primarily focused on organizing information for the...

Hannah Perks: Milestone 1

Introduction To begin, we formed our group and immediately started brainstorming and building upon each others ideas, listening to one...

Braeden Timlin: Milestone 1

This week was the beginning of the Design Studio 3 Term Project. My largest project for the last week was setting up our GitHub...

Christa Buttera: Milestone 1

Introduction This week marked the unofficial beginning of our Design Studio 3 term project. Over the last week and a half, we have formed...

Matt Donoghue: Milestone 1

Date Range: 01/16-24/2019 Hours Spent: 6 Overview/Introduction This week was focused on developing and organizing high level ideas that...

Blog: Blog2

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