Matt Donoghue: Milestone 4
Date Range: 02/6-12/2019 Total Hours Spent: 7 Overview As I alluded to in my previous milestone update, this time of the semester is...
Date Range: 02/6-12/2019 Total Hours Spent: 7 Overview As I alluded to in my previous milestone update, this time of the semester is...
Introduction This week marked the fourth sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, February 6th until...
This milestone marks our Alpha Build of the Kendo Gakko Application. I spent about 12 hours working on the networking, creating...
Date Range: 01/30 - 02/05/2019 Total Hours Spent: 8 Overview This past sprint marked the official kickoff of development on the project....
Introduction This week marked the third sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, January 29th until...
This sprint I focused on getting physics and collision working with Proxy geometry. With this implementation I was able to make geometry...
We've created a design document for our project! See it here.
Hours Spent: 3 This week was a slow week, the majority of my time was spent on the first 3DCG assignment. The work that was done was on...
Introduction This week marked the second sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint was slightly shorter than usual, running from...
Date Range: 01/25-29/2019 Total Hours Spent: 9 Overview This past week has been primarily focused on organizing information for the...
Introduction To begin, we formed our group and immediately started brainstorming and building upon each others ideas, listening to one...
This week was the beginning of the Design Studio 3 Term Project. My largest project for the last week was setting up our GitHub...
Introduction This week marked the unofficial beginning of our Design Studio 3 term project. Over the last week and a half, we have formed...
Date Range: 01/16-24/2019 Hours Spent: 6 Overview/Introduction This week was focused on developing and organizing high level ideas that...