This week marked the second sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint was slightly shorter than usual, running from Thursday, January 24th until Tuesday, January 30th, and consisted mainly of documentation and administrative work.
The main focus for this week's sprint was to work on the Design Document for Kendo Gakko. with each team member responsible for completing two to three sections in the report. As a group, we set an internal soft deadline of Tuesday, January 30th to have each of our sections completed so that we could spend Wednesday and Thursday going over and refining each section to ensure that our report is as accurate and thorough as possible.
For the Design Document, I have been assigned two sections to complete on my own (Member Roles & Bios, and Diagrams & Physical Layout), and one section to complete cooperatively with other team members (Design Comps).
Challenges and Successes
During this sprint, the biggest challenge that I faced was determining how much time to spend on each section. While working on each section, I found myself struggling between wanting to be thorough and accurate enough in my writing and wanting to be efficient in the time that I was allocating to the completion of each section.
By the time I had finished writing my sections of the report, I believe that in retrospect I was fairly successful at having a balance between being thorough and being efficient. It is possible that I spent too much time thinking over smaller sections, but overall I think the time that I spent on my portion of the document was worth it, simply because I feel satisfied with the work that I produced.
Tasks Completed, Hours Spent
Throughout this past week, I have been working mostly on documentation for our group's Design Document and creating some concept art for our game environment.
Up to this point, I have spent approximately 5-6 hours working on my three sections of the Design Document: Team Member Roles & Bios, Diagrams & Physical Layout, and Design Comps. So far I have completed all of the text-based portions of my first two sections, and I have created the diagrams for the Physical Layout portion of the report (see images below). Currently, I am working on finishing the background art for the VR portion of the document's Design Comps section.
I have also spent some time creating and setting up social media accounts on Instagram and Twitter, where our team will be able to post images, videos, and messages about our overall progress throughout the development process. We plan to also make a tweet to announce the new blog posts on our website at each Milestone due date.
Overall, I think that our team was successful in adhering to our internal soft deadline for a rough draft of our Design Document. Contents of each section are essentially completed, and the team will spend the next two days verifying that each section meets the assignment requirements and is as thorough as we feel is necessary.