This week marked the seventh sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, March 6th until Tuesday, March 12th, and, like last sprint, consisted primarily of work from each team member towards our Beta release. I have one sentence to describe this sprint in terms of personal progress: Hooray for productivity!
My main focus for this sprint was supposed to be to work on completing the modelling, UV mapping, and texturing of our dojo environment. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish all of that in one sprint, but I ended up being able to finish all of those things, implement the dojo models into our A-Frame environment, and start working on improving the lighting in the environment.
Challenges and Successes
During this sprint, the biggest challenge that I faced was not UV mapping, which is what I expected it to be, but was finding a lighting setup that I actually liked. Because WebVR isn't extraordinarily powerful in terms of rendering capability and developer power yet, I felt pretty limited in terms of what A-Frame had to offer in terms of types of lights and light settings. I feel like I was fairly successful in achieving a lighting look that I liked enough given the tools that were available, but I still feel a little bit disappointed about the fact that I don't think it's possible to achieve the look that I want. Overall, though, I think that's just something that I'll have to accept about A-Frame right now, and hope that these options will be expanded upon in future updates to A-Frame.
Tasks Completed, Hours Spent
Throughout this sprint, I worked on completing the models, UV maps, and textures for our Dojo environment. I also worked on implementing the Dojo models into our A-Frame environment and adding lights.
Up to this point, I have spent approximately 10 hours working on completing the modelling, UV mapping, and texturing of our Dojo model, and approximately 2 hours on implementing the models and additional lights into our A-Frame environment.

Overall, I feel that this sprint has been very productive, and I'm feeling proud of the work that I've been able to accomplish this week despite the other things that had to be done. Moving forward, I will be modelling, UV mapping, and texturing lanterns for our environment, and adding these to the A-Frame environment to help add some more soft, glowy light.