This week marked the sixth sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, February 27th until Tuesday, March 5th, and consisted primarily of work from each team member towards our Beta release. As a whole, I'm certain that this sprint was miles more productive for each of us than last sprint was.
My main focus for this sprint was supposed to be to work on completing the styling of our website's Lander Page and making further progress on the 3D models for our game environment. By the end of this sprint I was thankfully able to finish the styling of our lander page, and I was able to fully model the walls for our Dojo, which were the most complex models involved in the game environment.
Challenges and Successes
During this sprint, the biggest challenge that I faced was applying the styles to our lander page in a way that it translated well on both desktop and mobile browser layouts. As I learned this week, media queries just don't cut it anymore for styling for multiple device types, for the simple reason that the resolution on mobile devices is so much higher than it used to be. A few years ago, I was able to make a responsive website that scaled appropriately according to the device it was on simply by setting a max-width condition in my media queries. But now that mobile devices have 1080p or higher resolutions, trying to use media queries to make a fully responsive website is basically a lost cause. I had to do some extra research and digging to figure out how to handle the problem, and discovered that another one of our team members had just implemented device detection for a different portion of the game.
After playing around with some JavaScript code and trying to work out issues for a while (fun fact: document.querySelector( ) only works with the first instance of the item type being queried... Took me about half an hour to piece that together), I finally got the page to act the way I had originally intended it to. Success!
I also felt that I was pretty successful in modelling the walls of our Dojo environment efficiently, and I think that having a plan and a concept sketch for it ahead of time ended up being a huge help in that.
Tasks Completed, Hours Spent
Throughout this sprint, I worked on completing the implementation of the Lander Page styles from last sprint into our website, as well as modelling our Dojo environment.
Up to this point, I have spent approximately 5 hours working on implementing the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to make our website's home page resemble the original design concept, and I have spent approximately 5 hours modelling the Dojo walls.
Overall, I feel that this sprint has been significantly more productive than the last, and I'm feeling proud of the work that I've been able to accomplish this week despite the million and one other things to do. Moving forward, I will be modelling the floor and ceiling of the Dojo environment, UV mapping and texturing the entire environment, and making small tweaks to the Lander Page to make sure it looks as best as it can.