This week marked the fifth sprint in our term-long group project. This sprint ran from Wednesday, February 14th until Tuesday, February 26th, and took place over our week-long Reading Week, which ran from February 18th until February 22nd.
My main focus for this sprint was supposed to be to work on making further progress on both the Lander Page and the 3D models for our game environment. I was able to make a small amount of progress on the Lander Page, but as is seemingly more and more common as the years go by, IMD got so busy that I barely had time to touch the things that I wanted to complete over the Reading Week. As a result, this sprint was by far the least productive that I have been on this project since we started on it.
Challenges and Successes
During this sprint, the biggest challenge that I faced was the simple act of getting things done. As I've gone through each year of IMD, I've grown a stronger understanding that it's not uncommon for things to pile up on you, no matter how hard you try to stay ahead of the game, and that there are always other things that will need to take priority over the things you'd like to make a priority. As someone who always has a strong desire to make things the best they can be and to work on things for as long as possible, the realization that that's not always (or almost never) a realistic thing to do is an extremely tough pill to swallow.
I think that I was successful in at least getting a start on implementing my design concept for the Lander Page into HTML and CSS. Honestly, though, I think my biggest success over this sprint was coming to terms with the fact that things will almost never go as smoothly as I want them to, and that unnecessarily stressing about the things that I can't make a priority because of other, more imminent deadlines will only make things worse.
Tasks Completed, Hours Spent
Throughout this sprint, I worked on implementing my Lander Page concept from last sprint into our website.
Up to this point, I have spent approximately 2-3 hours working on implementing the HTML and CSS code to make our website's home page resemble the original design concept.
Overall, I feel that this sprint has been a bit of a letdown. I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to finish the work that I wanted, but I at least feel proud of myself for making some progress in the way that I deal with the stress surrounding IMD as a whole. Moving forward, I will be trying to dedicate more time to finish the Lander Page code as efficiently as possible so that I can move on to create the final 3D model for our Dojo game environment.