This past sprint was the sprint where everything started to come together. I spent about 25 hours on the project this sprint, tying to make sure things were able to get to the state they are in now.
At the beginning of the sprint the User-Object interaction got in, and was demonstrated in the Beta Presentation. Due to it being such a large story, it was behind develop alot, and there were alot of merge conflicts to sort out. I also began preliminary testing on the mobile environment at the beginning of this sprint.
Until the weekend, my time was spent testing PRs, fixing merge conflicts, creating the Beta Presentation, and some light 3D modelling. I began creating some extra swords that the user may be able to pick up, adding some more flare to the game. This also shows off the User-Object Interaction and physics systems implemented in the game.

This weekend I worked on implementing the networking into the mobile web pages. I spent about 20 hours over the weekend hooking everything in the mobile environment up. The work done will allow the rest of the game to be hooked up fairly easily.
The work I completed includes linking all the mobile web pages together, and creating a game loop. All of the network functionality for the mobile pages has been implemented now, but some of the information still needs to be hooked up to visual components in the mobile UI.
The networking for all the calls that will be made in the VR environment are currently in student-test.html, and they just need to be sent in student.html once the collision events are hooked up for the training dummy.
One of the greatest challenges for this sprint was creating the network calls that move the mobile user between the pages seamlessly, as well as sending information back to specific pages.
The next sprint I will be focusing on creating the physical menu for the user, and hooking up the network calls to the collision events for the menu and the training dummy.