I spent about 8.5 hours on project work this week.
This week we got all the interactions of our game together. This was a massive achievement, but it did not come without it's own problems. We need to do some extensive bug testing as there were computational bugs when we were testing the functionality. We conducted some of this testing, but it and adding the sequence display will be the focus of this last sprint.
I added the 'Bow' interaction into the VR environment as well. We de-scoped the bowing gesture recognition, so we replaced it with a physical menu item Lantern that says "Begin" on it. I also implemented a position and velocity reset after the user hits the lantern. This fixed a bug where due to the increased velocity of the lanterns they would eventually be bouncing around the environment extremely rapidly.
I also spent a large amount of time reviewing PRs for people and fixing any merge conflicts with the develop branch as I am the person in our team responsible for maintaining the code side of GitHub. The last and final sprint will focus on bug fixes and sequence display implementation. I implemented a similar sequence display in Assignment 3 for Design Studio 3, therefore it should be easier to implement this feature.