The past sprint I finished Spatial Sound Effects and background ambient sounds, as well as worked on creating extra models for the environment. I spent about 10 hours working on the project this sprint.
A challenge I had this sprint was when implementing the spatial sound effects for the sword hitting things. My implementation had neglecting to create an object for the sound, and therefore was unable to find the sound when attempting to play it.
One major success from this sprint also came from the spatial sound effects story. I was able to implement a simple algorithm that changes the volume of the "hit" sound depending on the magnitude of the movement vector on the sword. This makes lighter collisions much quieter and heavier collisions louder.
tI was also able to create a model for a Katana and its Sheath on a traditional Japanese Katana stand. This geometry will accent the environment and enhance the experience. I also added the final geometry for the Shinai Training Sword and the Training Dummy into the environment.

For next sprint I will be hooking up the VR user's responses to hitting certain areas on the dummy, as well as making the response graphics appear when the user hits the dummy.