This sprint was primarily focused on working towards getting the full functionality of the Mobile UI to be networked. In previous weeks the focus was more on the UI and design concepts. However, now with the main focus being to get fully implement and network the Mobile UI to the Web VR, I have been working alongside Braedan in order to get this implementation in place.
Collectively and individually, this sprint has shown a great deal of progression in regards to our term project; as we see our work and efforts create our vision.
Challenges & Successes - Tasks Completed
The challenges for this week would be the conjunction of styles and formatting for the Mobile UI to the Web VR (how the information would be emitted). As I had worked on implementing the concepts in different ways than Braedan had planned on networking them (both valid ways). This originally added more time than anticipated on the given tasks. However, well worth the extra time spent in order to properly implement the design concepts we wanted.
The successes for this week are the big steps forward we have taken in order to move along and complete more tasks. Progessing immensely in the mobile pages to unsure proper use of functionality. For example, having the selected array being printed for up to 10 selections of items, with desired design concepts implemented (as shown in Beta presentation video). To add, fine tuning functionalities such as having a clear button on the sequence page, clean visuals to simplify the interactions for users, as well as disabling the zoom (ensure the UI isn't altered while in use). A big accomplishment was actually working with Braedan, in direct contact with more back end and learning more about his ways of networking (as networking is new to me). It was very interesting to see the approaches and concepts he took in order to achieve the given functionalities (for connecting the mobile to VR), in comparison to my more front end approaches in mobile.
The tasks completed took approximately 5-6 hours to complete, however, unfortunately spent roughly 3 hours in more of the developmental/problem solving stages.
Mobile UI Pages, as shown in Beta presentation (for visual reference)

Conclusion/Next Steps
To conclude, I am very pleased with the progression made this sprint. Given the fast approaching finish line, I will be working promptly and efficiently in order to complete any given bugs/issues regarding mobile pages. As well as work on loading/waiting state animations for the VR; the student will see these 2-3 frame animations for 3 states. These states being: waiting for the master to complete sequence definition, general loading, and waiting for sequence acceptance (bowing). Although anticipated for these animations to have been completed sooner, prioritizing the mobile pages and getting them setup with Braedan's networking was more pressing for this sprint.