Date Range: 03/20/2019 - 03/26/2019
Total Hours Spent: 12
During this last sprint I have been focused on finishing up work with the dummy hit boxes and constraints. I've also been putting more work into the management side of the project lately to keep tasks organized and keep the team busy while we approach our final deadline on April 10th.
Challenges & Successes
The only challenge this week was to organize remaining work and delegate tasks among team members. As I have mentioned in past updates, one of our teammates has been struggling with an injury which made keeping track of progress on specific tasks more challenging than expected. More specifically, we have a solid chunk of work to finish up on the mobile platform but I re-assigned a handful of bugs that have been in progress for a while now to another team member who managed to clear a few of them up in an afternoon (success!).
Our project is in a state of limbo, per-say, in the sense that we have the two halves of our experience that are in the middle of being merged so the overall player experience is slowly taking its final shape. I have integrated our awesome strike graphics so the current strike and feedback for the students' respective performance are displayed on the scrolls recently added to the scene (see Figure 1 below).

Figure 1: The scrolls placed into the environment can now display strike target (left) and strike feedback (right).
The graphics on the scrolls are actually video textures that will be "painted" onto the scrolls accompanied by some fun sounds effects. These graphics will inform the "Student" of their current target on the dummy and a grade for whether or not they performed the strike accurately.
Next Steps
Next week I will be building on top of my progress with the strike graphics to fully integrate sequence display and feedback. The plan is to have the full sequence of strikes run through on the left scroll in tandem with the respective target on the dummy itself getting highlighted. The initial sequence run-through graphics will have both the kanji and English characters but will only show the kanji when the Student is actually executing the sequence strike-by-strike. This is how players will be practicing their memory skills and learning a basic introduction to kanji characters. So, hopefully in my next I'll have some progress to share on this topic.